
Qualifications: Reiki 1, 2 and 3 (Master/Teacher) from Cheryl Turtlemoon
(Reiki lineage available on request)

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese words for Spirit and Life Energy. Practitioners channel healing energy through their hands into the client or send it via special symbols as distant healing.

The central precept of Reiki is the communication of Universal Love and a harnessing of our natural, tactile, healing powers.
Carmen Fernandez

Reiki Master Certificate

Reiki can help with health and physical conditions, stress and relaxation, and it can be applied to all manner of issues and situations. Reiki energy can be sent into a relationship to help smooth things out, or to a situation, to bring about the best solution. But Reiki is mainly known for its ability to provide pain and stress relief, and healing on the physical, emotional and mental levels.

Unless sent by distant healing, Reiki is known as a hands-on therapy, though I actually hover my hands over you. You’ll be fully-clothed and lying comfortably on a therapy couch or sitting in a chair. It can provide a soothing and healing session that will leave you, at the very least, feeling calmer and more at ease. Client also tell me they often sleep better after a session.

As a fully-qualified Reiki Master, I can provide training and attunements to Reiki Level 3, as well as practice sessions if you wish. Please contact me for details if you are interested in learning Reiki, or know someone who is.

“So I do consider myself an open minded person but wee hidden prejudices are in us all. Reiki was something I had never experienced and sniffed at for no reason I can really explain. So months of back troubles and Karen ‘did’ me this weekend. What a gift!!! Yoga and physio were just not quite getting me there. I have been pain free since then and even a day back at my office has failed to bring me pain!! Thank you so much for this.”  Fiona

“Felt totally relaxed and at peace – such a good feeling – like I had no troubles. For once, my mind felt still and empty. At times had a wonderful feeling of floating away. My mood feels very uplifted.” Linda (cancer patient)

“I was amazed at how much heat I felt coming from Karen’s hands when she gave me Reiki on my broken shoulder. It really helped ease the pain and I’m sure it has also helped me heal more quickly.”  Kate

“Although Karen doesn’t actually lay her hands on me, I can never tell where she is at any given moment, because it feels as though ten hands were giving me healing. It’s a very powerful experience.”  Tim